AÉROPORTÉE (French translation by Miriam Cusson) (Prise de parole, 2022)
Ever Falling Flight (Aéroportée) is a dark, comic fantasy inspired by the final, mysterious flight of aviator Amelia Earhart. Caught in a time loop, flying into sunset after sunset, a pilot known only as Æ dashes through increasingly strange ports-of-call, accompanied only by the voice of her (un)trusty navigator Fred. Pursued by the spectre of a demonic red plane, Æ draws ever closer to her final destination: the end of the world, or its very beginning. Ever Falling Flight is a play about mortality and what we leave behind us in the contrail of our lives.
The Breakfast Club meets Shirley Jackson in a fusion of live theatre and technology that tells a darkly comic but hopeful story of four teenage outsiders struggling with death, depression, and the shadow of a black dog.
AGONIE CITY (French translation by Eva Lavergne) (Prise de parole, 2017)
A body is found on the side of a highway. Naked, throat slashed, no identification. It disappears from the back of a police van and begins a strange odyssey, making its way, over the course of one early winter night, all around the northern town of Sudbury and through the lives and dreams of eleven very different people. REVIEWS
Journal / Magazine / Online "Angie's Family Tree" untethered (Issue 15, forthcoming 2024) "After Dark" Stanchion (Issue 11, Spring 2023) "Sorcerer"Exile (Issue 44.2, 2022) "Technicolor"Cobra Milk (Issue 3, Summer 2022) "Always Always"MudRoom (Spring, 2022) "Turns" Sledgehammer Lit (August 29, 2021) "The Air Plant"Sledgehammer Lit (July 31, 2021) "Her Becoming Him" The Quarantine Review (Issue 5, November 2020) "Damned Good" antilang (No. 7, Summer 2020) "The Distance of Space" ArtsEverywhere (June 2020) "The Harvestmen" Halloween Nightmares Horrorgame Magazine (Issue 2, November 2017) “Nobody Knows What You Are Capable Of” The Dalhousie Review (97.1, Spring 2017) "Hocus" Across the Margin (November 2015) "Plague: a sic love story" Ryga (Number 8, Summer 2015) "An Ugly Room" Tracer (July 2015) "Music or poetry or other good things to listen to" The Rusty Toque (June 2015) "One More Beer in the Fridge" Barebacklit (September 2014) "Something Named After You" The Impressment Gang (1:1, August 2014) "Here Between the Ribs" Ottawa Arts Review (Volume 7.1, 2013) "The First Snow Covers Everything" Riddle Fence (Issue 11, Winter 2012) "Night and Day Journeys a Coffin" filling Station (Issue #51, 2012) "Enter My House Justified" Freefall(Volume XXII, Number 1, Winter 2012) "Damn Clear Blue" Poetic Pinup Revue (October 2012) "Snakeskin Boots" Grain Magazine (Winter 2010) - winner, 2009 short fiction competition